The Zermatt Flight Club’s first point of action was to remove the pesky boulder (probably weighing in at a good 2-3 tons!) from just below the Riffelberg starting spot. Last Saturday the 21st of July 2012, one day after the official start of the club, a group of about 8-10 of us took our gliders and went up for several hours of pick-axing, shoveling & crow-barring fun — the boulder is now just a memory & the flight back down to Zermatt afterwards was great!
The shoveling effort was matched only by the number of discussions as to how best dig the (large) hole and tip/push/pry the boulder into it, without it getting stuck in a worse position than it was already in, or accelerating off down the side of the mountain and causing unhappiness in the valley below…
The Riffelberg launch is now just that modicum safer and more relaxing to start from!
Thanks to all the club members who came up and pitched in! Great start to an exciting new club.